A node.js wrapper for the Tumblr API
This project is maintained by meritt
A node.js wrapper for the Tumblr API v2.
$ npm install tumblr
var tumblr = require('tumblr');
var oauth = {
consumer_key: 'OAuth Consumer Key',
consumer_secret: 'OAuth Consumer Secret',
token: 'OAuth Access Token',
token_secret: 'OAuth Access Token Secret'
var blog = new tumblr.Blog('blog.tumblr.com', oauth);
blog.text({limit: 2}, function(error, response) {
if (error) {
throw new Error(error);
var user = new tumblr.User(oauth);
user.info(function(error, response) {
if (error) {
throw new Error(error);
{Blog, User} = require 'tumblr'
oauth =
consumer_key: 'OAuth Consumer Key'
consumer_secret: 'OAuth Consumer Secret'
token: 'OAuth Access Token'
token_secret: 'OAuth Access Token Secret'
blog = new Blog 'blog.tumblr.com', oauth
blog.text limit: 2, (error, response) ->
throw new Error error if error
console.log response.posts
user = new User oauth
user.info (error, response) ->
throw new Error error if error
console.log response.user
avatar([size, ]callback)
followers([options, ]callback)
likes([options, ]callback)
posts([options, ]callback)
text([options, ]callback)
quote([options, ]callback)
link([options, ]callback)
answer([options, ]callback)
video([options, ]callback)
audio([options, ]callback)
photo([options, ]callback)
Options list please refer to Tumblr API v2 - Blog Methods
dashboard([options, ]callback)
likes([options, ]callback)
following([options, ]callback)
Options list please refer to Tumblr API v2 - User Methods
search(tag[, options], callback)
Options list please refer to Tumblr API v2 - Tagged Methods
DO NOT directly modify the lib
files. These files are automatically built from CoffeeScript sources located under the src
To do build run:
npm run build
Big thanks to all contributors.
The MIT License, see the included license.md